Monday, 4 July 2016

Andrew Konomanyi - Buying a Horse

Andrew Konomanyi is an avid rider who likes to discover new places that offer great opportunities for horseback riding. It is relatively easy to buy a horse these days, but one should always realize the depth of the commitments that come with owning such an animal. The sad truth is that not everybody is equipped to own a horse, not even necessarily when they have the space for it and show a genuine affection towards them. Horses are extremely high maintenance creatures and this doesn’t just mean accommodation and money, but the potential owner’s precious time.

An Ideal Environment 

In the vast majority of the cases one should only contemplate buying a horse if they either own or have unlimited access to a proper environment. This means a small stable at least, and a paddock (also called corral) where the horse can move around freely. The importance of proper space and an ideal environment is rather obvious. Horses need their space so they can thrive both physically and mentally. Without the proper space and an environment where they can feel right at home, they can become quite unpredictable, especially towards strangers.


Without the necessary financial means, you shouldn’t think about buying a horse. While the purchase is already a rather hefty monetary commitment, it doesn’t stop there, in fact most people can save enough money to buy a horse (if it’s not purebred) relatively easily. Most of the expenses, however, start after the purchase. Remodeling your property to accommodate the animal, then of course there is the food factor. An average saddle horse will weigh anything from 900 to 1100 lb., and they will require between 25 to 28 pounds of hey on a daily basis. Depending on where you buy the hey, this would add up to a monthly expense of $150 to $250, but there are other expenses as well of course, like yearly vet visits that can cost you about $200. A single horse will cost you anything from $250 to $400 monthly, and that is just one animal.

The Time Factor 

No one buys a horse to just look at it from time to time. If you buy an animal like that, you do it because you want to build a special bond. This requires a considerable portion of your time, and without putting in the effort, you can never be more than the owner of the animal.
Andrew Konomanyi is an avid horse rider who had the privilege of owning horses in the past, building lasting connections that he will cherish for the rest of his life.